What is a Beveled Mirror?
In the world of mirrors, the line between functionality and artistry may not be a line at all. Instead, it’s an edge – a beveled edge, to be specific. A plain mirror is just a reflection of what you put in front of it. A beveled edge adds life and character to something that on its own has no distinctiveness.
To get a better sense of what the beveled style can bring to homes, there are decorative advantages of frameless vs. framed. A bevel is defined as an edge that’s not perpendicular to the face: it’s an angled edge, but not a right or 90° angle. Nor does just any finished edge qualify as a bevel.
Size isn’t the only distinguishing characteristic of a bevel’s style. Beveled creations include some beautiful, decorative edges such as double and scallop beveled designs that lend a jewel- or ribbon-like quality to the border.
The scallop bevel of a modern bathroom mirror also forgoes the linear, creating a fluid edge that charmingly complements its graceful arch.
For home decorating with bevels, frames limit where the item can be used. Beveled edges allow you have a style and a color that will not clash with something else.

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